Grow your Beauty Business from Hustle to Flow

When you’re done trying to fit yourself into a box when creating your own business, you feel unsatisfied and fake when posting on Instagram, trying to live up to the algorithm. And you realize you feel just as overworked and unfulfilled as a solopreneur as when you had a 9-5 job.

Then only one thing will guide you towards your most authentic expression: aligning with your Energy!

“I’ve spent decades learning about building businesses and studying the hustle culture. In my twenties, taking a degree in Entrepreneurship Design, I worked with social media strategy in my thirties, bringing large businesses to Instagram and learning all there was to know about “the algorithm.”

Only to experience how all the strategies, blueprints, and best practices didn’t work for me as I grew my business. It wasn’t until I learned how to work WITH my energy, instead of constantly trying to fit into frameworks, that I was able to dodge all the pitfalls, initially making my working and business style unique to me and fully working to bring the joy, ease, and abundance I could previously only dream about into both my life and business.”


“Hustle culture is the lifestyle of someone who continues to work and only rests for a short time. This is done because those who run the culture feel that doing so will make themselves successful.”


To proceed or produce continuously and effortlessly.” flow state describes a feeling where, under the right conditions, you become fully immersed in whatever you are doing.”

How we go from Hustle to Flow


Every month we will work come together for a group workshop. In the group workshops, you will be taken on a journey through different ways you can create an offer that fits with your energy and your ideal client whether you are launching an online program, a teacher training, a membership club or a physical retreat.

We will also tailor an online strategy (that isn’t so much a strategy) but you will learn how your energy works in unique ways at attracting clients. During your journey to bring your Beauty Business to the world, you will realise that you can work with joy, ease and that you can once and for all bury the hustle culture.


Through the 12 Monthly private calls during the Beauty Business Coaching Program, you will go deep into planning and executing your Beauty Business Offer.

You will get personal guidance on working with your unique Human Design Profile to unlock your magnetism in business so that you can finally move into flow and start seeing the effects of working with your energy, not against it.

It’s hard to see where we are playing small and where we keep ourselves stuck. On our private calls, I will help you reframe how you work and who you are so the sky becomes the new limit.


We have modalities that tell us about the physical world. We have modalities to explain our emotional body, and then we have Human Design to understand how each of us carries a unique Energetic Blueprint.

Human Design System can help you understand yourself better, and as you build your business, knowing the ebbs and flows of your energy can help you dodge all the average pitfalls.

To do a business where you can stop hustling, be at ease, and still experience incredible abundance and success, Human Design will be our best tool.

Beauty Business Coaching Program is a 12 month personal and group coaching experince. Designed to help you grow not only your business, but also on a personal level. Creating a business that doesn’t drain you, but which supports the lifestyle you are dreaming about. Wether that is more freedom with yourself, more time to your family, or it is to be location free, traveling the world and making an offer that will feel effortless to sell, and exhilarating to produce.

Because, yes, you can do it.

How I know you can do it.

I started my current business two months postpartum, being on rock bottom, and feeling like a complete failure.

Now. Work about 2 hours a day. I’m a single mother, and providing for my household of four children and a dog. Homeschooling 3 children, 1 is in school.

Highlight your services

You don’t have to be like anyone else! And following other people’s footprints will only lead to half-ass successes where you don’t feel this is sustainable for you over time.

Learning about yourself and directing your energy in a way that is unique to you will make you visible, make your offer irresistible to the right people and make you thrive as a business owner.