The frequently asked questions about the Face Yoga Teacher Training.

Will I need any qualifications or experience to do the 40-hour Face Yoga Instructor Training?

No, everything you need to be a highly qualified Faceyoga instructor is within the course. From in-depth anatomy of the face (muscles, fat pads, fascia, skin, and bone), to motivating your clients, and creating highly effective programs and courses for individuals or groups. And much, much more. This course is created for you to shine as a Face yoga Instructor with great expertise.

Is the course accredited?

The course is co-founded by the Scandinavian School of Holistic Skin Therapy (Holistisk hudterapeu skolen), which has extensive experience in educating Holistic skin therapists in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. 

Our face yoga techniques have been tested and approved by physiotherapists, massage therapists, and estheticians as an effective method to reduce signs of aging.

What will I receive when I sign up for the Face Yoga Instructor Training?

When you sign up you will immediately receive a confirmation of your enrolment. You can immediately start your training on our online platform here at nikifaceyoga.com

Within 24 hours Niki will send you a welcoming email to say hello and give you the login details for your bonus, one-year free access to myfaceyogagym.com

With each module, there are video recordings and a downloadable Manual.

I’ve seen many different Face Yoga Instructor courses online, what type of face yoga will I learn to teach?

The face yoga technique you will learn in our 40-hour FYTT is based upon the principles of resistance training, which is a well-known and documented technique for the body when the desired outcome is toning and shaping the muscles. You will also learn massage techniques, and fascia release techniques to further enhance and refine the effect of face yoga so that you can create highly effective and rejuvenating programs and courses for your future clients.

How much time do I have to spend a week on the Face Yoga Instructor Training?

The number of hours states the time you are expected to use on the course from the start until your certification.
The 40hr FYTT course is in a virtual format which means you can finish it in your own time. So whether you want to hurry up and finish in a few months? Or you have other obligations and therefore need to spend longer consuming the program. The pace is up to you.

However, we do recommend you get certified and finish the course within one year of enrolling.

Do I need to pay for the course in full, or are there any options to pay in instalments?

We do offer payment plans. You can start the course as soon as you have paid the first instalment. This way we hope that if your dream is to become a Face Yoga Instructor and create your own face yoga business. You can!

Do I get to keep the course materials?

Yes. You will have access to the recordings for as long as the Face Yoga Instructor Training exists and as a minimum, we guarantee three years of access to all recordings. Also as we add new versions of module recordings or materials they will be available to you, so you can develop as we develop.

What do I do if I need guidance along with my training, as all content is virtual and pre-recorded?

All Faceyoga Instructor trainees will be invited to join our own Facebook group where we will help you when you need it, This is also a great place to get feedback or connect with other face yoga instructors.

The Face Yoga Instructor course is created from our experience educating face yoga instructors over the last 3 years. So we have made sure that all questions that may show up are answered within the course material. Should you have any further questions you can either write in our Facebook group or you can send Niki a private message at hello ( @ ) nikifaceyoga.com

What if I have no experience in teaching and instructing?

Do not worry about this. Helping you gain confidence in your new role as a Face Yoga Instructor is one of our main focus areas. This is why within the course material, you will get homework as a guide on how to start teaching and how to work with real clients.

Will I meet the other Face Yoga Instructor trainees?

Yes. We have a Facebook group for everyone who is or has been in the 40h FYTT. This way we elevate and inspire each other. In the group, you can ask questions, and share inspirations, wins, or thoughts. We are all here to support one another on this exciting journey as pioneers of facial rejuvenation and beauty.

I do not have any previous face yoga experience, can I do the training?

Yes absolutely. Our Face Yoga Instructor programs are created for everyone, regardless of previous experience. You will learn all you need to know about Faceyoga during your training. Furthermore, our Face Yoga Instructor Training comes with one-year FREE access to my popular My Face Yoga Gym. This is to help you keep inspired and to make it easy for you to work on your own practice during your FYTT.

What happens in the final exam?

The final exam is a 30-minute call with me, and it's explained in the course. So when you access the course, there is the last module which leads to the exam.

In short, you will have to do a course study which is based on your test clients that you will do through the course where you will explain one of their processes, how it went with this test client, what exercises the test client got, etc.

And then in our final exam session, you will need to teach me three of the exercises from the program that you create for your test client. As always, it is really fun and it's nothing to worry about.

How do we contact each other?

You can contact me either over Instagram or in our private Facebook group. If you need specific questions answered through the course, we have a very active Facebook group, and everybody can benefit from each other's questions.

If you have a very private question, you can write to me over email.

Do we have private classes?

There will only be a private class if you choose the pay-in-full option. And instead of private classes, we all have a monthly Q & A live call. So we do that as a group and everyone gets to have their questions answered.

Everyone learns from each other from each other's answers.