5 Tips to Stay True to Yourself and Uplift Your Spirit


Living Yolates x Niki Faceyoga

I am thrilled to say that I am collaborating with Mikkala through the month of August. Check our schedule below to make sure you don’t miss our talks, video’s and take-overs, starting the 11th of August.

If you haven't experienced one of Mikkala's online classes or Living Yolates program, then now is the time. Mikkala focuses on uplifting the body and spirit through active movement and dance. Teaching people all over the world through her online Living Yolates program that is infused with fun, music, and connection. Discover her profound work and how you can blend your Faceyoga practice with Living Yolates.

August 11th - IGTV Live at 12pm CEST on @niki.face.yogi.tv and @livingyolates

6am EDT USA / 8pm AEST / 11am BST UK

Mikkala and I will be on a live IGTV tutorial, discussing Faceyoga, Living Yolates and incorporate these methods into our busy daily lives. Don't miss this!

August 12th - Livestream Faceyoga Class at 10am CEST in the Living Yolates Circle platform

Build full-body strength from head (face) to toe in this faceyoga x strong yolates class that will assist you in connecting to your willpower and essence and finding joyful balance within your life. Follow this link to get to the livestream;


6pm AEST AUS / 9am BST UK

August 19th - IG Takeover

Make sure you are following Mikkala and my insta accounts on Thursday the 19th to get a glimpse into our inside worlds on each other's stories!

We can't wait to take you through both of these practices that have made such an impact on our lives over the coming week.

How to Live Everyday with Joy and Radiance with
Mikkala Marilyn Kissi, Founder of Living Yolates

Life is a dance. Constantly shifting, moving, changing. Being playful and dedicated, creative and meditative, and everything in between. It’s so important to recognize the challenges, the successes, and the rhythm of everyday but it’s certainly not easy to find your unique bliss...

Within the Living Yolates Philosophy and Method we are constantly working to inspire our awareness and elevate our vibration. Your energy is your greatest strength. When you feel good you start to attract more wonderful things into your life. Radiance and joy attracts radiance and joy -- imagine a life full of abundance, joy, and opportunity! In Living Yolates we focus on uplifting and balancing these energies and we believe you are the creator of your own life! 

Especially coming off of the beautiful, vibrant, and magical summer holidays it’s important to re-enter everyday life refreshed and rejuvenated, carrying the high vibration within you so you make sure you don’t just sink back into old patterns and habits that weren’t serving you before you left! 

It is so easy to separate vacation / rest self from work / go, go, go self and instead I invite you to incorporate self-loving, deeply restoring, simple practices into your everyday life that will blur the lines between work and play and allow you to release tension, stress, and anxiety daily instead of letting it build up! Joy and radiance are built upon a foundation within you and with a few simple techniques you will be well on your way to beaming radiance and feeling true joy in your life. 

These are my 5 favourite ways to stay aligned with yourself and to keep your spirits high throughout the year no matter the season and situation. Pick one or mix-and-match daily!

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Step 1: The Daily 10

We all have 10 mins to plug into ourselves. This time can be your gateway back to your spirit to follow your inner truth.We all have at least two 5-minute blocks every single day to breathe, to put our feet or hands on the Earth, to close our eyes and turn inward. Take your daily 10 and keep that as a non-negotiable, as something for you that’s all yours. When you’re ready to build up and have the time and space increase by 5 mins each week and watch your life transform!  

Step 2: Move

Many are intimidated by the idea of “working out” “exercising” or “going to the gym” and I don’t believe in forcing your body. You should listen to your body instead of working against it, blocking flow. Moving your body, being able to move your body in whatever way that feels good for you can be as simple as a shoulder or neck roll to bring your head and body back together, a stretch, a walk, a free dance. It doesn’t have to be long, it shouldn’t need to feel forced and it should make you feel so good to connect to your body. If how you are moving does not leave you feeling good, try different forms of movement until you find something that makes you feel as wonderful as you are! Strong, Soft, and Dancing Yolates were created to meet the changing needs of our bodies as some days you will have more energy, some days less, some days you will want to release and let go and others you may want to focus and strengthen -- follow the instructions from your body, your inner and outer nature, and tune into what it’s asking for depending on the daily needs, the seasons, menstrual cycles, etc. -- this is a gift and power we can tap into!



Step 3: Delight Your Senses

Surround yourself with smells, fabrics, colours / art, tastes, and music that delight you, inspire you, and make you feel more like you. Use essential oils to perfume your life so you are brought into the moment time and time again by healing and nourishing natural scents. Hang art and photography that transport you to your favourite places, your favourite memories, or make you feel something special. Wear fabrics that are comfortable, sustainable, natural, and well-fitting (not too tight!). Listen to your favorite songs that soothe and comfort you throughout your day. 


Step 4: Nourish

Nourishment comes in many forms and two of my favourite daily ways are sipping teas (organic sencha and matcha are beautiful and a personal favourite right now for focus and energy) and green smoothies. Both of these are incredibly soothing to the body and will nourish you from the inside out allowing for beauty and radiance to shine through! 

Mikkala’s Green Smoothie

Serves 1 as a Snack


½ Ripe avocado

Handful chopped cucumber

A handful of local, seasonal greens (spinach, kale, chard)

1 tsp spirulina or wheatgrass powder

1-2 Tbsp hemp seeds 

Juice of 1/2 lemon 

Small handful cashews, soaked 2-4 hours

250-500ml Filtered water

Pinch sea salt

Optional sweetener: 1 banana, 2 dates, a handful of berries, honey/maple syrup.


Add everything to a blender, blend until smooth, taste / adjust, and enjoy!

Step 5: Write a Commitment to Yourself

Commit to focusing on what really matters to you, what’s important, and what you want more of. Especially when you’re coming off a holiday or a time you’ve had the time and space to connect to your true essence, use this time to write and reflect. How you want to see yourself and show up in the world, how do you want to connect to your purpose, what feels purposeful to you, what is your personal mission and how you can creatively bring that into your work regardless of what you do?

Radiance is movement, nature, and vitality. Joy is celebration, love, and connection. Both of these start with you, on the inside before they can shine outward. Spend time with yourself, stand in your power, create the life you wish to see for yourself, and the joy will come, the radiance will shine! At this time of year, keep swimming, keep playing, keep shining. You have the power to create the life you wish for, you can make your dreams come true, dare to believe it!  

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My team and I want to inspire you regardless of who you are, where you are, to dance more, play more, and balance yourself, savoring each moment of your life regardless of how challenging it can be. For more inspiration, ways to connect to the seasons and nature’s rhythms, and for access to the weekly live streams check out more at https://www.livingyolatescircle.com/-- a huge thanks to Niki for supporting our work and mission! 


Gua Sha for Everybody!


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