Long Term Beauty & Vitality


Why do we endeavor to constantly pursue beauty and vitality? As part of human nature, we are wired and destined to seek out the best. But this seeking doesn’t have to be difficult, expensive, take long or require the use of injections - as much as mainstream media may tell you!

What it does require is a deep looking underneath the skin and to start seeing your face, body, and spirit as a whole organism. A trifecta working together harmoniously beneath the surface.

Taking time to do a nurturing and soothing beauty ritual makes you produce more “feel good” hormones. It lets your human body know that you are loved, you are important. This builds self-confidence, self-assurance, it tells your soul you are worthy and builds more harmony in your sacred trifecta of self.

A quick trip to the surgeon’s office or layers of expensive creams can’t trick your soul into these “feel good” hormones!

These actions of self-love and care are all embedded in the movement of your muscles, the strokes of your hand or you face crystal. The time you take work with your features, to look yourself in the eyes and feel gratitude.

Doing these simple exercises every day (aim for the evening!) will build a consistent sense of personal worth and wellbeing, which will ripple out into your life.

Thus creating long-term vitality through disciplined action and establishing deeper beauty within your true ‘you’ that will shine effortlessly from your face.

The techniques featured in this video are:

1. The Faceyoga lid hack to work on face posture.

2. Cupping with No. 1 face cup by SARDkopenhagen

3. Gua Sha facial strokes with crystal Gua Sha from Calmlish

Do this every evening and it will ripple out into your life.

With love,

Niki x

Face Cup from @sardkopenhagen

Gua Sha from @calmlishcph


We made a book!


The Best Facial Oils for Gua Sha