All About Skin and Trans-Epidermal Water Loss

Have you heard of the trending skin term trans-epidermal water loss? 

If not, this is a term you will want to learn and get your skin on top of as it is essential to keeping skin hydrated, firm and primed. Trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL) is the process by which water evaporates from the skin's surface and is lost to the surrounding environment. 

TEWL occurs when the skin barrier is compromised, allowing moisture to escape from the deeper layers of the skin.

When TEWL is high, it can lead to dehydration and dryness of the skin. This can make the skin look dull and rough and can exacerbate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. High TEWL can also make the skin more susceptible to damage from environmental stressors such as UV radiation and pollution. 

So you can see, most of the time when our skin is look lacklustre and wrinkled - it is the effect of trans-epidermal water loss.

What can cause TEWL on the skin?

Factors that can increase TEWL include:

  1. Environmental factors: Cold and dry weather, low humidity, and wind can all increase TEWL.

  2. Skin disorders: Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea can disrupt the skin barrier and increase TEWL.

  3. Aging: As we age, our skin becomes thinner and loses its natural oils, which can weaken the skin barrier and increase TEWL.

  4. Harsh skincare products: Skincare products that contain harsh ingredients or that are not pH-balanced can disrupt the skin barrier and increase TEWL.

How can we reduce the effects of trans-epidermal water loss?

To reduce TEWL and protect the skin barrier, it is important to use skincare products that are gentle and pH-balanced and to avoid over-exfoliating or using harsh products. Using a moisturizer or serum that contains humectants, such as glycerin or hyaluronic acid, can also help to retain moisture in the skin and reduce TEWL. I personally love the Wild Beauty Luxurious Oil for the extra hydration, and in times when I can see that my skin is suffering from TEWL I apply this liberally throughout the day. Regular facial exercises alongside drinking extra water will also keep TEWL at bay. Using a humidifier can help to keep the skin hydrated and reduce TEWL.

Hydration from the inside can include, coconut water, fresh juices and water. I like to add in some chia seeds or extra slices of cucumbers if I can see my skin is suffering!

One of my faves for inner hydration is the chia seed induced water. So delicious and highly hydrating. 

Face Hydrating Chia Water

1 tbs of chia seeds

Large glass or bottle of water

Juice from One Lemon

Mix and leave in the fridge for 1-3 hours before drinking.

Are you fascinated about skin health, and want to take your knowledge to the next level? Then join us in the Face Yoga Teacher Training where you will become a certified face yoga teacher, learn all about the science and anatomy of the skin and become a part of a community of other beauty nerds around the world. Find out more at the Face Yoga Teacher Training 40hr


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