Beauty Hack: The Youthful Energy of Water

“If you feel lost, disappointed, hesitant, or weak, return to yourself, to who you are, here and now and when you get there, you will discover yourself, like a lotus flower in full bloom, even in a muddy pond, beautiful and strong.” Masaru Emoto

Beauty is everywhere if you are open to looking for it. Beauty will show its magic frequency with you and unveil its transformative energetic powers to you. All you need to do is be ready to look at the world through the lens of gratitude, intention, love, and care.

Now I am going to take you through a very simple, perhaps the most simple of beauty hacks but one that can have profound life long-lasting effects. And all it takes is one… sip… of water! 

 A sip of water? Yes, this is true. Okay face yogi’s here comes the most simple beauty hack you will ever learn, so fold out your ears.

1. Take a glass,

 2. Fill it with water,

 3. Hold it and look at it BE PRESENT with your water.

 4. Then ask yourself, “What would you like to be today?”

 5. Infuse your water with this feeling. Marinate your water like you are beaming all the delicious sensation you can muster into your water.

 6. Then - slowly - drink - your - water

That’s it. Now you gave all the cells in your body a vibrational shower of absolute abundance/joy/beauty/energetic/magnetic (set in your sensation here!)

“Of course, we all know that water is transparent and has no taste, smell, or color. What’s amazing about water is that it can show us myriad “faces” depending upon the condition it is in or the information it is given.” Masaru Emoto

Who is Masaru Emoto? He is the Japanese researcher who dedicated his life to the “language” of the water. What he discovered is something very important: that this beautiful water has a memory and can store information.

The most engaging aspect of the discovery is that water reacts differently according to the information it receives, showing, through its crystals, forms that can be more or less harmonious. Imagine then how the water relates to our human body when consumed, depending on the mood we are in when we are consuming it. We could be consuming pure light, love, and youthful energy, or harsh, debilitating, and aging energy. 

This means that the information and therefore the energy doesn’t need to be translated into any one language, because it is the Human Being itself (humanity) that can determine the intrinsic meaning in the literary code, through the intention. The pure power of our intention.

Masaru was able to directly demonstrate how powerful you can be! You and I are truly the creators of our reality, and we have everything available to us to change ourselves, our beauty, and our lives. It is all inside you because you are part of a single source of unimaginable power - incredible right? All stemmed from the power and energy of water. 

Let me know what you want to be today <3


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