New In The Gym: Let Go Of The Past

This week for our new in the gym, I will be taking you through face yoga and meditation to let go of imprints from the past that are weighing your face down. These exercises transcend what was and allow you to step into your future, ready and radiant.

Slow face yoga for All Levels, including breathing and meditation. We will also use tongue positioning and flexibility to tone the lower face and jawline. A wonderful 21-minute workout that will leave you calm, clear, and ready to step into your day. Add a small amount of face oil to your face and neck for this workout to add a bit of glide.

In this workout we:

  • Reverse jowls

  • Calm the mind

  • Release emotional imprints

  • Tone the jawline and neck

  • Improve tongue posture

What’s on this week in the Face Yoga Gym?

Monday: New in the Gym - Let go of the past - allow your face to rise.
Tuesday: Face yoga and cupping for beach life
Wednesday: 8 minutes to a smooth forehead
Thursday: Face and body workout to improve your posture
Friday: New in the Gym - Let go of the past - allow your face to rise.
Saturday: Relax your frown - Deeply relaxing face yoga
Sunday: Advanced face yoga for nasolabial lines and jowls.

Join us in the Gym on a monthly membership to gain access to the complete library of face workouts.


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