Introducing: The Devotion

It can be so difficult to stay healthy and happy. To feed the good habits that we know will create more energy and joy, and not fall into fatigue, binge screen watching, or overworking. There simply are so many pitfalls, and every time we go to social channels to search for answers it’s like a bombardment of information taking us in all sorts of directions. I know how it feels to want to do better, to Know I can do better, then feel the frustration when flailing at being kind to myself through my daily actions and activities.

It wasn’t until I realized it was the devotional piece that kept me coming back day after day. I did daily face yoga out of love and appreciation towards myself. When I realized that it became easy to copy and paste that devotional piece into all the areas of my life I wanted to see sprout and grow.

This is what I wish to share with you, how you can shift your perspective so that more and more of your actions will be rooted in your devotion toward your magnificent being. When you deeply feel that gratitude towards your body, it becomes easy to exercise even when it is hard, even when it doesn’t bring immediate results, even when your mind tells you it’s a waste of time, or that you don't have time. Your heart will know that your body is worth every second of your own time.

But because the mind can be a trickster, I offer you The Devotion, the palace where you can keep discovering yourself, your beauty, and your health. I will only share with you beauty - and self-care tips that are rooted in devotion to the human being.

At the end of August, we will start our first ‘7-days of the Devotion to You’ challenge. Please join us as we take small actions together daily to connect our inner soul authority. This will be a mix of face yoga, body exercises, skincare, and other health and beauty hacks for your wellbeing and joy.


New In The Gym: Let Go Of The Past


How To Release Stress & Tension In The Face