Healing The Face From Trauma With Face Yoga

“As I often tell my students, the two most important phrases in therapy, as in yoga, are “Notice that” and “What happens next?” Once you start approaching your body with curiosity rather than with fear, everything shifts.”

- Bessel A. van der Kolk, ‘The Body Keeps The Score’

Let's talk about healing your face from trauma. I believe we all store trauma on or in our faces because it's one of the main places that will express outwardly the trauma we have experienced. It may be for some people - like one main event, and for other people it may be more of long-term stress and/or just conditioning in general that has been imprinted or imprinted on the face. 

So whether it's one or the other or mix all of it, life tends to make its mark on the face because that's how it goes, it is how we communicate, it is how we understand ourselves and how we connect to the world. The face is where we take in the world and where we meet the world is the face. So this is an important epicentre for trauma and healing.

Knowing this, I believe it is so important to have a daily practice to assist in grounding and centering you each day which will feed your sense of self, healthy, beauty and vitality. This practice focused on healing the face, can involve face yoga, face massage, cupping, and gua sha, these self-loving, vitality-inducing practices where we can restore and renew our vitality on the face and the energy daily. 

Because that is what gives the vitality and what heals the trauma. 

The truth is that trauma is not just “in your head”. It leaves a real, physical imprint on your body, jarring your memory storage processes and changing your brain. These pathways can start to be restored through regular loving practices that soften your muscles carrying the trauma and your relationship to these parts of yourself.

In the My Face Yoga Gym, I am currently working on a series of in-depth facial flows, which are a combination of body and face yoga. These workouts will also include meditation and active meditation inspired by my Kundalini yoga training.

I will be working on bringing more of this style of face yoga into the Gym because there is a growing demand for this. I see and hear that you are all expressing the desire to be able to heal yourselves, and work through the trauma you have experienced through this avenue - and I am so passionate to be able to teach what I know for healing. 

When you know my own story and how I became a face yoga teacher, it was from my own experience with facial trauma that this is actually one of my main interests. Trauma and going through hardships that it caused on my face (and life) and seeing how that was imprisoned on the face, but also very easily reversed with a dedicated practice to self-healing.

Overall, the face is very responsive. The face takes in hardships, these can become easily imprinted on the face. But the face also releases the hardships very really easily. The face has the power to bounce into another state if we so chose it!

Join me in the My Face Yoga Gym with a 7 day free trial on a Monthly Membership. Use code FACE 7 and sign up here: www.myfaceyogagym.com


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