In Conversation With: Angie Larsen

I take some time out of my busy schedule to sit in conversation with my fellow Kundalini Yoga teacher, inspirational friend and self-confessed #beautynerd Angie Larsen. Angie will be co-hosting the upcoming The Radiance Retreat with me, and before we depart for Tulum I thought you would all enjoy learning a little more about what makes Angie the inspirational being that she is!

You now teach and train many students in the art of Kundalini Yoga. How did you get into Kundalini Yoga yourself?

I had just stopped my pro handball carrier and I was on a new path of discovering who I was without all the labels I had taken on - I found Gabrielle Bernstein on YouTube - this was many years before Instagram. She talked about Kundalini Yoga and I immediately started to discover and practice online. 

Any reason you chose your particular style of Yoga?

Kundalini Yoga is a self-healing kind of yoga. It was like coming home for me. In KY we clean out subconscious blocks and programming. So that we develop and evolve. We align our chakras and boost our immune system. I find it so very effective. All the Pranayama that is a part of KY calms the nervous system and works wonders on our brain functionality. There is also a cold water exposure ritual that is proven to give a strong immune system and provides our body with strength and vitality. 

What characteristics do you believe make a great Yoga teacher? 

Humility and presence. 

What’s your relationship to your own body? How has this changed over time? 

I appreciate my body. It has gifted me with 2 dream babies. I think the woman's body is the most wonderful creation on Earth. Deeply connected to every aspect of human life. 

What advice would you give someone who feels they can’t practice Kundalini Yoga because they don’t have the right kind of body, they don’t have time, they have limiting beliefs, etc?

Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of the householder. So it is for everyone and everybody. It's refreshing and highly spiritual. It has increased my well-being beyond measure. 

What are some other common, incorrect assumptions about Kundalini Yoga?

That you have to be a fanatic to practice. That you need to do and follow every so-called “rule” in the book. - You don't 😉 always advise anything with your integrity and inner knowledge. 

What’s your favourite Kundalini Yoga pose?

I would say. All the Pranayama (breathing) is so beneficial to me. I feel layers have peeled off when I go into deep pranayama. I feel lighter. 

What is the goal of Kundalini Yoga as you see it? Beyond the walls we often construct, how are we all truly connected in this practice? 

The goal is to make us in tune with our own truth. It helps us to hear our own thoughts. Living our life deeply connected to our soul's path will lead us to a more fulfilling life. And will give our surroundings, the freedom to do so as well. Freedom is what it is giving us all. The freedom to be yourself. 

How long have you been practicing Face Yoga?

On-off for 2 years I would say. 

What are some of the key benefits you have noticed since starting your Face Yoga journey?

That there is so much to be revealed and discovered. It is much deeper work than just wanting to look good. 

Any funny moments doing Face Yoga?

My kids are very entertained while I do my face yoga practice 😅

What are your thoughts on ageing? 

I believe it's a privilege. I find so much charisma in ageing. I love the energy. The wisdom and the last fucks giving ageing provide us with. It’s where most find inner peace. 

Botox or Natural?

Nature is for me the definition of perfect. I can’t imagine myself correcting it. So definitely natural. That being said - I believe everyone should do what they feel for. 

Why do you think self-care, rest, and time away are important? 

Uh. One of my fav topics and interest. I believe so much in catering and nourishing ourselves. It's a direct way to show ourselves that we matter and increase self-love feelings in an instant. Giving yourself time to rest and digest is key. I believe it gives us a solid feeling of well-being. A pocket of calmness - we all need in these busy times. A calm nervous system will make us make decisions that are soul-based and that is where we will thrive. I love and am very much into bath rituals like saunas, banyas, and steam baths.

Favourite face care?

Gua Sha. Water and Manuka honey masks are Gold. 

Favourite meal? 

In general, I am a huge food lover so it's a little bit difficult to choose one meal. But Vietnamese and Japanese food is something I really enjoy and crave more often than others 

Favourite book?

Rumi: ‘Bridge to the Soul’

Favourite quote or saying?

‘Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.’ Rumi

And finally, why should we join you in Tulum?

Because it will be deeply transformative. A magical time spends and held in sisterhood. Going deep and changing at root levels all while being surrounded by what feels like heaven on Earth!

Angie Larsen


Kundalini Yoga Habits

Meet Angie and I in person in the magical surrounds of Jungle Keva, Tulum in July.

Book your tickets here


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