Member FAQ’s and The LIPID Workout Collection

I learn so much from our face yoga community, with the intricate questions that are asked, the help they need, the problems presenting on their face and all the small but important nuances that they would like addressed.

You may find these questions and the answers helpful as well. Maybe you are experiencing something similar, or hadn’t considered to work a particular area. Enjoy exploring the face with me and the members!

Q. Hi Niki, 

My face seems very long and it seems to be majorly aging me. Is there anything I can keep in mind about this, specifically? Thank you. 

Yes, there is something you can work for the volume of the cheeks and the cheekbones. And something that all the workouts, not all of them, but the majority of the workouts of the whole LIPID technique is also focused on which is increasing the volume around the cheekbones. 

It's one of the things that I do myself a lot, but the new LIPID collection, would be something for you to try because in the exercises we work very deep with the volume and the areas of the face & muscle that we work very deeply with are the areas that affect the volume distribution and work to keep the face plump. 

So I would recommend that you do the new mid-face LIPID workout for beginners. Do this at least a couple of times a week to ensure your face adapts to the exercises and then try mixing in some other workouts. If you find you enjoy the LIPID workout, then you can also do the upper face and full face. 

The lower face workout creates more volume for the lower cheeks. If you feel that you have lost volume at the lower cheeks as well, which can create small lines on the cheeks and look a little bit gaunt, then this area to work out is for you as well. 

Q. Hi Niki, 

Just finished week 4 of the beginner challenge! I am loving the course, but this week I struggled a bit with the Lip Press. Feels as if the jaw muscles are taking over, and even cramp up or block with that one. Do you have any advice on relaxing the jaw more?

Yes, so this is very normal and this is a part of practice to learn how to manage the intensity of the pose yourself. So every time in an exercise you will learn how to master the muscles, it's not only in the lip press but also in other exercises.

If you feel another area or muscle taking over, taking control, it's about relearning a certain pattern that your muscles have adopted. So what you can do is every time you feel that your jaw muscles are taking over, you can open your mouth and relax the jaw, try again, and then this time really focus on the lips and maybe do the exercise a little bit less intensive.

Once you then feel your jaw muscles taking over, it's the same thing again. Relaxing, focusing on, relaxing, maybe doing a little massage of the masseter muscle around the jaw, which is the major chewing muscle and then trying again. It doesn't have to hold the pose for the full duration that we do in the beginner program and you never have to hold the pose for that long.

If some muscles are spasming up, if some muscles get a cramp or tense up, then of course just relax. You can get muscle cramps on the face too, so you can just relax and try again.

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Q. Hi Niki, 

I have started to develop sacking on the left side next to my lips. The cheek area is more hollow and sunken in compared to the left side. Since I started cupping and face yoga the sunken hollowness is reducing bit by bit, but now I am developing sacking. Do you have any as to why this may be happening, and advise what to do? Thanks so much!!

Yes, it's a bit of a difficult part about face yoga is being patient enough to allow all of the different structures of the face to change this can take a long time and it is a continuous thing that happens So it´s not instant, we are working through years of muscle patterning. This is why I still do face Yoga with as much excitement 8 years into my practice and that's because I still see changes and that is so exciting. 

So what is happening here is that adhesions, tightness and wrinkles and these tightnesses that have formed in the tissue are starting to loosen up. In the first at the beginning you may notice, that you may feel that you upper part of the skin and that's true, it's like the subcutaneous fat, the dermis and the epidermis. 

And this mass is starting to get more plump, have more hydration and more volume. So now you may see that and think that it looks like it's starting to sag on the side of my mouth or my cheeks. So what you need to do next, and this will change. 

So we are working, and what I see is like the upper structure starting to change and now we need to go a little bit deeper because what you are most likely having, which I kind of recognize the signs from the picture is that you have tightness in the underlying facial muscles and I can see that from the way that the soft tissue folds on the top and the weight that it pulls right at the like the smile lines the wrinkles and also when you have dips in volume loss oftentimes there is some underlying tightness in the deeper structure of the face. 

It could be very deep. So you need to start to do some of the LIPID workouts. I would suggest doing middle face and lower face, you can stay with those for three, or four times a week. 

And I don't necessarily recommend you do them every day, they're quite deep they're quite intense so you can do these three times a week for the mid-phase or the lower phase you can also choose to do a full phase they are a little bit longer three times a week and then she does her cupping on the other shorter workouts on other days and have patience because it will even out so this is not like this, not a final stage and the funny thing is with facial is never the final stage. 

So this is a process of noticing things and it is really good that you notice that; 'I did this and now, and this here has changed so now I can see I just get more volume in the lower cheeks but this also happens, and then so that area is moving now, and then they slowly start to shift as you move through the levels and so on. It's a part of the face's progress. 

See you in the Gym,

Niki x


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