A Love Letter For October; #SelfLoveOctober Month

A love letter for October, 

The month I associate with the most challenging times of my life, but that birthed the most powerful time in my life. October to me is an awakening; of self, of spirit, of connection and more resonant knowing. 

Allowing the senses to overflow through the turning down of the dial through the month. 

Smell: The sense created to invite the body to relax and the spirit to a take seat. Immerse in pleasurable smells that allow for this to take place.

Sound: Attune yourself to the relaxing sounds of nature. Inviting us to be within the nature of our body. Gently calling us back to nature, back to being. 

Touch: The feeling of calming, and kind touch. The nurturing of the body with touch. Gently acknowledging the aches and tiredness. Allowing what is in the moment to be and coming back to the feeling of touch.

Taste: Where we can come alive and be brought into the present moment with our taste. Craving for fresh, fruity, nature, homegrown, local and simple tastes that can soothe our souls.

Seeing: How and what do we want to see through the month? What creates a sense of calm and natural ability for us? The colours of nature. Inviting calmness and seeing within. 

The reason for these check-ins with the senses:

I asked myself, “Why am I not doing this for myself every day? Why am I not giving myself this experience more often?”

How can I have this experience more often with my senses? So that I will recognise when I’m deeply nourished and thriving within my body? So that I call in more experiences that will support my healing and calmness. And from that place, I know that anything I can dream of is possible.

I treated myself to a facial in September. Not because I wanted to have a certain result. But because I craved to be cared for, for a loving and kind touch. Without any expectations or demands of an outcome. 

This energy is what I would like you to feel through October and your experience in the My Face Yoga Gym.

This is a slow process of connection. A slow surrendering. Like putting an ice cube in the sun. Slowly, the warmth of the sun melts the ice cube. You don’t just go to a spa and you are immediately surrendered. You don’t just visit a tropical location and you are instantly calm and soft. The magic has to present itself in your own body. 

You keep coming back to the practice which is taking you to your desired destination of deep relaxation and being. 

Outside distractions or the distractions coming from your mind, including rigid ideas and conditioning that want to constantly take your attention. But with the right practice and personal settings, you can give your body permission to soften more often. And so you go deeper into the magnificence of your being in this way.

At the beginning of the process, it may be a matter of surviving. You come to this practice so depleted. Like the Earth when the soil has been arrogated for years and years. Not nourishing yourself has brought you here. Giving too much. Being in a state of stress, or overwhelm. Overworked, the body has forgotten what it feels like to be nourished, and filled to the brim with well-being. So we keep track of the overworked because it becomes all we know.

The first action in the workout or practice will feel like a drop of water. You feel it but quickly go back to the well-known sense of deprivation. “Maybe I am stressed?” you think as the body sends signals to slow down, to claim your own space. To lay down and let others take care of you. Not with the demands presented that require you to perform better, to continue striving for your goals. Your body asks you to lie down to be present. To feel what is there and to experience the greatness of existing in a body at this moment. 

The recognition becomes the purpose. The main purpose is to feel more. To be more. And to do less. 

As the practice becomes your habit, it will become the body’s go-to, automatic response as an antidote to the impeding stress, overwhelm and overwork. You become the beacon of presence as you grow back this other side of yourself with deep softness, reverence and calm. The softness and receptivity become automatic. And where you felt struggle you now feel flow within. 

As a gift from me to you, I am offering 31 days free trial to the My Face Yoga Gym all through October. So you can sign up, try the Gym app for yourself and see how the workouts assist your face. You can sign up with code: 31FREE from now until 31st October 2023.


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