Embracing the Soulful Transition From Winter's Chill to Spring's Blossom

“The combination of tomorrow’s New Moon Eclipse, and the blossoming of Spring I can feel the excitement of renewal in the air. Coupled with the launch of the LIPID Master Course and meeting my new students, this is a promising time of hope and reconnection.”

I have been reflecting on what was and what is as winter's icy grip gradually loosens on our daily lives, and the gentle whispers of spring begin to stir the air. It is at this meeting point there exists a profound transition - not just in the outer world, but within my soul. I can feel the burgeoning of a time to come that is filled with the stages of metamorphosis, where I am shedding the weight of the past and embracing the promise of renewal.

In the quiet moments between busy days, I can notice the beginning of thawing frost, and the slow budding of blooming flowers to come. In this nature is reflecting its sense of anticipation alongside my own, we share this longing for warmth and growth that is coming.

The transition from winter to spring is not merely a change in seasons, but a shift in perspective, a journey from darkness to light, from dormancy to vitality.

During the winter months, I would often find myself cocooned in layers of introspection, seeking solace in the stillness of nature's slumber. Reflecting on my life what has led me to the point where it is, and delving into the depths of my innermost thoughts and emotions. I love this sense of diving through a personal terrain of thoughts, immersing in the long period of rest and seeing what buds begin to stir from within.

As the days grow longer and I can feel the rays of the sun grow ever stronger, the stirring within grows stronger, a yearning and excitement for new beginnings.

Spring offers us the opportunity to emerge from our cocoons, stretch our wings and embrace the possibilities of life that lie ahead. It's a time to release the burdens of the past, and all the troubles that may have accumulated and embrace the beauty of the present moment. Like the tender shoots pushing their way through the thawing earth, we too are capable of such incredible growth and transformation when nature calls it forth from us.

There is a certain magic in the air during the transition from winter to spring - a sense of wonder and possibility that infuses every aspect of my being. As the world around me bursts into life once more, I am reminded of the resilience of the human spirit, of our ability to weather the storms of life and emerge stronger and more vibrant than ever before.

On the cusp of the New Moon Eclipse to come on April 8th, I urge you to embrace this soulful transition of time in the cosmos and with nature, with an open heart and open mind to what reveals itself. Allowing yourself to be carried away on the gentle breeze of change, whether it be scary or beautiful, trusting that you will be ok through it all.

In this time I will be doing my best to revel in the beauty of each new bloom I encounter, each special sun-kissed day that finds itself in Denmark, and trusting the deep knowing that within us all lies the same potential for growth and renewal as the power in nature.

As we journey from winter's chill to spring's blossom, and through the turning of the powerful Eclipse to come, may we find solace in the knowledge that we are forever connected to the ever-turning wheel of life.


My new LIPID Master Course went live this week!

A big thank you to all of my new students who have joined and started the LIPID Master Course with me this week on our first Zoom call. To facilitate the global community of students I created a private WhatsApp group and it has been buzzing with excitement.

Members are learning how to increase volume in their cheeks and around their cheekbones using the LIPID techniques and the intimate training I am providing.

Next week we will be learning about increasing the muscle volume in lips and how to shape the lips for plumpness through life so that as we age we can retain our lips fullness from our youth.

I've had a few DM's from new students wanting to join the Master Course so my team and I have opened enrollments to facilitate those wanting to learn with me. If this is you and you'd like to begin the LIPID Master Course, you can register via the link below and you will then gain access to our private WhatsApp group and Module 1 which began last week.

We will go live on Zoom this week with Module 2: Analyzing Your Face (released April 11th 2024)

Please email me if you have any questions.

Experience the My Face Yoga Gym with 31 Days Free

Not yet a member and would like to try my face yoga method? I am 43 years young with 4 children and I can safely say face yoga has been my saviour in keeping me feeling youthful and replenished no matter what comes my way. I have created my method with the vision that you too can also feel this way no matter your age, your lifestyle, how your face is appearing or what you may want to change. Where ever we are in life, we all deserve to look in the mirror each day and feel good about ourselves!

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Use code: 31FREE

Sign up www.myfaceyogagym.com

Have a beautiful New Moon Eclipse and week to come,

With love,

Niki x


Forehead Wrinkles Are Not What You Think They Are