How Negative Self Talk Is Harming Your Face

Imagine if every negative word you said to yourself about your face showed on your face. It could be a line, a wrinkle, or tension in your facial structure. 

Well, let me tell you this - it does. That's right, with the power of the mind, we can turn negative thought patterns into realities of imprints on our faces. The face shows emotions FIRST - period !!! And as thoughts create emotions and emotions create thoughts ♻️ Negative self-talk will make its way to showing up on your face.

Now I am not writing this post to make you feel hopeless or encourage your negative self-talk, I am here to make the point to you about how these creepy little thoughts can sneak in when we are not paying attention, and how powerful they can be. I want to bring your attention to the power they could be having over your mind and ultimately your face.

When we start noticing what goes on on our mind when we meet our reflection in the mirror, it can be quite horrific. Don't recognise yourself? It could be the narrative in your mind causing this.

How can you turn this around? Simple awareness and a bit of training. This is how I turned my negative self-talk around.

I started a mirrorwork routine. A simple affirmation exercise in front of the mirror for about 5 minutes daily. And here comes the most important part don’t want to miss. You want to start exactly where you’re at. So if “I love my glowing face” seems like a fat old lie to you, start with something simple like “I love to watch the blue sky through my eyes”.

If you’re bluffing your mind will resist and go “Yeah right.. you’re a liar“ and that is in no way what we’re aiming for here.

Tapping into the gratitude of your senses may be the first step for them. “I'm grateful for the softness of my lips when I kiss”.

Instantly, these self-written verses create a harmonious and connected glow on my face, and over time, they won the daily nag of the negative commentary. My face became lightened. My muscles became softer. And the tension of negativity became easier to melt away in my Face Yoga practice.

I hope you have found this useful. If you are not yet a member of the My Face Yoga Gym, you can sign up with a 31 day free trial. Use code: 31FREE and learn how to fall in love with your face again through the practice of face yoga.


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