The Mother’s Day Guide to Pampering
You Can’t Pour Love & Energy From An Empty Cup
We all know a mother in our lives who could benefit from some extra self-care and love —maybe you are that mother who just needs a little extra pampering and care time!
Having children is above and beyond a full-time job: it’s a 24/7 lifestyle that doesn’t stop, especially during our babies’ early years. Having to endure the lack of sleep, combined with using precious energy on supervising, entertaining, and caring for little ones can impact all areas of our wellbeing - which is why it is essential to balance these pressures with some good old, simple self-care!
But prioritizing ourselves and our self-care is not always easy. That’s why we, especially as women, must create space that will honour ourselves. This isn’t just for us, it’s to keep strong bonds with our friends, mothers, and sisters, and helps to encourage our close community to take their own time for rest and self-restoration.
This Mother’s Day, I am encouraging you to take the time, take all the time you need and let’s together extend the grace to us and the women around us who are nurturing their families and help encourage them to take care of themselves, whether it’s just for an hour or a long weekend!
I have compiled a selection of 9 beautiful, pampering experiences that can make simple but very nurturing gifts for any mother, that will show them love and appreciation, and that they are deserving of cultivating a self-care practice.
Self-care is essential in everyone’s life, but it is crucial for busy mothers!
1. Get enough sleep.
Sleep is important for your well-being, overall health, and beauty!
Yes, we know that with kids, sleeping is more like a luxury, however, if your kids are keeping you up at night, try to nap during the day when they're sleeping.
Napping has been shown that it can help you have fewer wrinkles, tighter skin and even out the skin tone. Skin repairs itself when we are in a deep sleep. It's good for your skin as it lowers cortisol and balances your hormones. Putting you right into regeneration mode. IT's also great for mental health. I love the glow that just a 20-30 minute rest in the middle of my day applies to my skin. It is one of my top skincare tips for long-term rejuvenation.
You can also ask your partner, a friend, or family members for help with nighttime duties so you can get some extra ZZZs over the Mother’s Day weekend. If not for yourself, think of it as adding to your beauty bank! Sleep is essential.
2. Make time for yourself.
Now you must be like: time? What time? Who, me? I have a tight schedule taking care of my business/babies/teenagers/cats/dogs/partner/household - I can’t spare a moment for myself!
But you need to bear this in mind: it is important to make time for the things that you enjoy and that make you feel good. This can range from journal writing and listening to your favorite song to doing yoga or just closing your eyes and thinking.
“Me-time” allows you to recharge and manage anxiety. The best part? You don’t have to do it every day, you can choose a day of the week when your children are out or busy doing other things. Start your ‘me-time’ routine over the Mother’s Day weekend.
3. Start your day with a positive affirmation.
Affirmations are positive statements that happen to you and change the way you think about yourself. By starting your day with a positive affirmation, you can set the tone for the rest of your day.
Some examples of affirmations include:
I am worthy of love and respect.
I am strong and capable.
I am worthy of success.
Choose an affirmation that resonates with you and repeat it to yourself each morning. You may even want to write it down and post it somewhere visible.
4. Indulge in a long Face Yoga & gua sha practice
One of my favourite things to do is to combine my Face Yoga and gua sha routines and spend extra time closely working with my facial muscles. It feels indulgent, and yet can mean only an extra 10 minutes but with stunning results.
You can find lots of routines on the Face Yoga Gym that are suitable for all levels, from beginners to experienced. These routines are designed to give you maximum results, and allow you to relish in your natural beauty.
“When used in the right way on the face gua sha can reduce your fine lines and wrinkles, restore firmness and elasticity of the skin, promote a brighter complexion, relieve jaw tension, promote lymphatic drainage, and decrease puffiness. It can also help lifting brain fog in the morning but bringing blood flow to brain.”
Niki T
5. Treat yourself to an epic bath - any time of the day!
You don’t have to go to a spa to relax and achieve a little slice of heaven. With a little pre-planning, you can have a luxurious bath experience in your own home. You’ll need some salts, candles, and some beautiful incense to fill the air with heavenly smells and a relaxing soundtrack. Put on a face mask, close the door, and immerse yourself. You have deserved it!
6. Listen to music
If there is one thing I have loved to do from before having 4 children, to after, it’s listening to music!
Music has a powerful ability to affect our emotions and reduce anxiety. Listening to calming music can be a great way to relax. Listening to upbeat music can powerfully change your mood. Listening to dance music can get you moving your body, and therefore move any lingering anxiety!
So turn up the music, let loose and get your body moving and release endorphins!
I have made a playlist for you to inspire with and enjoy here.
7. Sticky note love
An oldy but a goodie, I love to leave myself an inspiring post-it note around the house to remind myself of positive things. Leave yourself a sticky note (or several) on the bathroom mirror with a positive message about you or list a goal as a reminder. For most of us, the first place you visit after you wake up in the morning is the bathroom. You’ll see this positive message to help you have a good start to the day and to remind yourself how wonderful life can be.
8. Cat Eyes exercises
This is my favourite exercise for an instant energy boost and to release stress or feelings of overwhelm. This exercise stimulates the trigeminal nerve, resulting in increased activity in brain areas implicated in the regulation of attention and behavior.
Cat Eyes
1. Place the palm ends on your temples, above the cheekbones and so they cover the ends of your eyebrows from the arch.
2. Press into the temples, backward, and upwards so you feel a pull at the outer corner of your eyes.
3. Squeeze your eyes shut so you feel the eyelids pressing together and in towards your eyes.
4. Feel the resistance from the palms of your hands on your eye muscles.
5. Hold for 30 seconds then relax. Repeat 3 times.
Tip: Add this exercise in small pockets during your day, before you pick up kids. Before dinner or before a meeting. Cat eyes will never fail at bringing you instant calm and a sense of clarity. You can also do cat eyes laying down, perfect for those who are enjoying a nap like in tip number 1!
For more Face Yoga exercises, sign up to the My Face Yoga Gym below.
9. Re-arrange your bathroom shelf
Make this a place that inspires devotion to you and your precious face. You are worth it mama. Cultivating a loving and kind relationship with your face is something that will not only change how you perceive yourself, it will also inspire your kids to grow up with healthy self-worth. By physically creating a devotional space with flowers, a plant, crystals, and delicious face oils, you will show yourself how much you appreciate yourself. It doesn't have to cost anything. Find things in your home which make your heart tingle, and pick some wildflowers, take your most precious face care tool or product and place them on a shelf or table in your bathroom so they inspire your self-care rituals.