In Conversation With: Face Yoga Student Sibel Adekunle

We know that making the decision to become a Face Yoga Instructor can be daunting. This is why we are publishing a series of amazing and inspiring women who took the leap and joined our online FYTT 40 hour Face Yoga Instructor Training. This week we’ve been talking to Sibel Adekunle from Germany. She has added the technique of Face Yoga to her portfolio of skills and to support her wellness business.

You can now teach and train students in the art of Face Yoga. What will be your first place of action as a teacher? 

I offer online Face Yoga classes on our yogaliebe homepage, workshops with my friend “The Glow natural skincare” and Face Yoga Classes for companies. 

How did our FYTT program prepare you for your professional life like a face yoga teacher?

Sibel: First I started with the Face Yoga Gym, where I learned how to connect with my face and use the face muscles. But the FYTT program gave me a deeper understanding of the whole context and the consciousness and safe feeling of teaching Face Yoga. 

Why did you choose our FYTT program? 

Sibel: As a wellness manager and yoga teacher I wanted to build a bridge because our face is not separated from our body. When we talk about health and prevention and massages and yoga are beautiful tools, we have to include Face Yoga as well. For me, it was a natural consequence to choose the FYTT program.

What would you say to anyone who considers becoming a face yoga instructor? 

Have a loving connection to your face. 

What drew you to Face Yoga? 

I am 45 years old now and I recognized that I can`t reduce all signs of aging, unfavorable facial expressions, or emotional mood only by using oils and cremes. I love the fact that I can support myself with Face Yoga. 

What characteristics do you believe make a great Face Yoga teacher? 

Independently of what you are teaching - for me it is always important that you are connected with yourself, that you have the knowledge and a deeper understanding and always involve the entire body and respect individual desires. And, of course, that you spread out the love for what you teach.

What’s your relationship with your face? How has this changed over time? 

I never struggled with my face. I love it - I love it even more than ten or twenty years ago. Because it tells a story in a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

What advice would you give someone who feels they can’t practice Face Yoga because they don’t have the time, they have limiting beliefs, etc? 

When you love and connect with the FEELING that practice gives and triggers you, you find the time. No matter if you exercise 5 minutes or an hour a day. 

What are some other common, incorrect assumptions about Face Yoga? 

That Face Yoga is only for wrinkles. But if you want to soften your body consistently, you have to soften your face consistently, too.  

What’s your favorite Face Yoga pose? 

Long Big O and cheek squats because you can always exercise them during daily habits.

What is the goal of Face Yoga as you see it? 

Beyond the walls we often construct, how are we all truly connected in this practice? To have a closer look - not only externally (what you see in the mirror) but mainly inside. Inside your emotions, your habits, your health, and your wellness. 

Who are your mentors and what is the most important lesson you have learned from them?

To trust the voice deep within you and not neglect yourself. I am inspired by so many people, friends, family members, and myself.  

How long have you been practicing Face Yoga? 

For over one year

What are some of the key benefits you have noticed since starting your Face Yoga journey? 

That I have my facial expression better under control. This makes my face look more soft and relaxed. 

Any funny moments doing Face Yoga? 

Not a funny but overwhelmed moment - the first time I saw my cheeks moving up (i told you immediately;-))!

What are your thoughts on aging? 

I increasingly recognize myself getting older in different ways. Some changes are more challenging than others, depending also on hormonal changes. My body communicates with me differently and it is my task to take care of my new desires. But it also allows me to get to know a new version of myself. We should connect with our aging in a loving and supporting way and not in a despising way because it is a natural process. Sometimes it helps to talk about aging than to keep silent about it.

Botox or Natural? 


Why do you think self-care is important? 

For mental and physical health and to be happy.

Favorite face care products? 

The Glow (, because I love the pure and minimalistic concept. 

Favorite meal? 


Favorite book? 

Glennon Doyle: Untamed

Favorite quote or saying?

`When things are easy I soften. When things are hard I soften more.`(Tara Stiles, Strala Yoga)

And finally, why should we follow your Face Yoga journey? 

You should follow me when you feel inspired by me.

To find out more about Sibel’s Face Yoga, please visit her here:


Want to support your existing business, create a new face yoga business, or just want to learn more about FaceYoga to uplevel your practice? Read more about our FYTT 40h program here


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