What Is The Greatest Misconception About The Face?

I posed this question on my Instagram stories to my followers to see what they thought, and the answers were mixed and intriguing - but none nailed it for what we have been taught one way to believe… but that is so far from the truth. Read below to find out…

Okay, so the biggest misconception about the face, in my opinion, is that aging or facial changes happen in a certain order and a certain direction. That these changes, happen in a way that you can't reverse, as if to say; "I'm aging, I have a wrinkle, and that's it."

Like how you are aging is there forever, that your face is only heading in one direction, and it happens from our 20s onwards. So I think that's the biggest misconception because in my experience and having worked with so many women in the My Face Yoga Gym, private clients and colleagues in the beauty space, I see the opposite of this misconception all the time!

Your skin can become firmer again. You can have more volume in your cheeks, lips and different areas of your face again. If you've lost volume you can lift sagging areas, and droopy corners of the mouth - all of these things can be changed naturally with face yoga.

With the face yoga practice used consistently every day, you can start to lift again. You can connect to your face, you can fall in love with your face, you can open up the eye area and lift saggy droopy eyelids if you feel like you look super tired. You can look strong, healthy and vibrant again!

It's not difficult and it's not expensive.

It just takes your commitment daily or weekly to yourself, to your face and the practice. You go one step at a time and you develop on the way, and as you do this you get to know yourself on a deeper level.

All the time I see people, mostly women, with their faces changing in different directions. Sometimes we look more tired, we age and then we reverse age for a while and then there we go again. It goes up and it goes down, and then it goes up and it goes down again.

So the face is super responsive to changes. The face is very responsive to what happens around us, inside of us and what we do to it.

It's a part of the nature of the face and that's okay. So if you find yourself in a moment right now, if you're in a period where you think you look super tired, you've aged rapidly and you can't connect to yourself in the mirror, know that you can change this.

It's reversible.

Join me and over 2K happy face yogis in the My Face Yoga Gym on a Monthly Membership for only $19.99 p/m. Unlock 150+ face yoga workouts, gua sha and cupping videos that will change your life.

Sign up now www.myfaceyogagym.com

With love and glow,

Niki x


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